Best Tips to Have Before Going to a Car Dealer

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Are you looking for advice on how to buy a new car? Purchasing a car is one of those big purchases that many people across the country make, regardless of their financial situation. We’ve all experienced frustration when dealing with salespeople at the car dealership and trying to get the best deal possible.

It is always essential to remember better safe than sorry when purchasing any goods or items in the market. Still, aside from thoroughly inspecting the product, it is also critical to learn how to avoid being scammed or tricked. Aside from home, buying a car is the most significant purchase most people make. You must be aware of and extra cautious in ensuring that you pay the correct amount for such a purchase.

Here are some best tips on buying a car and avoiding being scammed to help you get the most excellent DEAL for your money when getting a car.

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1. Do your homework 

Do some thorough research on the types of cars you’re interested in, as well as the car’s specifications. Don’t just go out and buy a car because it looks nice. This is true whether the vehicle you want to buy is new or used.

2. Decide Whether if you want a lease or a new or used car

If you’re in the market for a new vehicle, you’ve probably considered whether buying or leasing is the best option. There are many things to consider, but the most important is whether you want to own the car or continue paying for your transportation mode. Also, both new and used vehicles have their own set of benefits and drawbacks. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of leasing or buying a new or used car.

Purchasing VS Leasing a Car at a Car Dealership

Pros and Cons of Purchasing a Car


• You own the vehicle

 • You can customize it

 • You have unlimited mileage and drive as much as you want

 • You have the opportunity to drive the car for many years to spread out the cost of the vehicle

 • You can pay off your loan and become debt-free

 • You have resale value


• Exorbitant monthly payments

• Repair costs of a new car after the warranty period has expired

• The need to sell or trade your vehicle before it depreciates too much.

Pros and Cons of Car Leasing


• Every two to three years, you’ll have the opportunity to drive a new car.

• There should always be a warranty and no repair costs.

• Low monthly payments


• Extensive maintenance requirements

• Annual mileage limit (typically 10,000–12,000 miles)

• Requires gap insurance purchase 

• Expenses more in the long run

Brand new VS Used car

Pros and Cons of Purchasing a brand new Car


• Unlimited choices and many options you have. 

When it comes to the brand, you have a lot of options. Many cars these days come with a wide range of customization options that allow you to express yourself completely.

• Peace of mind

There are no concerns or secrets about the car has been in an accident previously.

• Feeling like you’ve just bought a new car

You know it’s a brand-new, unused car that came straight off the assembly line. The car has never been used by anyone else. When purchasing a used vehicle, it will never be the same.


• Depreciation

Expect a 30% depreciation when you drive a new car out of the showroom. The car is likely to lose 40% of its value in the first year alone. The truth is that as a vehicle gets older, the loss of value slows down.

• Get ready to expense a lot of money

You do get to enjoy the feel of a new car, but it comes at a price. You’ll have to spend more money on insurance, registration, taxes, and accessories. To add to the irony, none of these additional payments will be accounted for when the car is sold.

Brand New Vs. Used Car


• Purchasing is less expensive.

• Cheaper to own

• There are no additional expenses.


• Perceived danger

• Expenses associated with the vehicle

• Only a few options are available.

3. Establish a budget

Set aside a specific amount of budget to buy a car. Even if you come across tempting offers that are a few thousand dollars over your budget, don’t accept the offer if it is unmanageable. If you decide to take out a loan, calculate the monthly payment you’ll have to make and make sure it won’t put a strain on your monthly budget. In Spokane auto classifieds, you might be able to find the best online car deals that fit your budget and requirements.

4. Find out what your FICO AUTO score is

If you’re wanting to buy a car, you might be wondering what kind of interest rate you’ll be able to get on a loan. The interest rate you pay on your car loan can significantly impact the total cost of your vehicle. Your FICO credit score will have the most significant impact on the interest rate for your car purchase and car loan, and everyone has one – though some are better than others.

5. Get pre-approved at a credit union

When it comes to getting excellent auto interest rates for your vehicle loan, your bank or credit union is the best place to look. It will be easier for them to come up with auto interest rates suitable for your situation because they are aware of your financial situation and habits. They will also feel more secure lending money to you because your money is already secured with them, reducing the risk of loss.

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